It's no secret that workplace burnout is becoming an increasingly prominent issue for organizations of all sizes. Burnout has toxic effects on employees, organization morale, and ultimately business success.
But what can leaders do to prevent it?
As a business leader or manager, you’re in the perfect position to create an environment that fosters well-being and resilience instead of chronic stress, fatigue, and unhappiness. Further, you have a responsibility to take care of yourself and facilitate workplace well-being. No one does their best work when they are burning out and with the labor market facing unprecedented challenges, there's no better time to invest in a burnout-resilient workplace culture.
With just five simple steps, you can start taking tangible action today.
One: Model Resilience and Balance - Lead by example to show that balance and resilience is important
No matter what your reasoning is behind working yourself to the bone, it is NOT positively impacting your work, yourself, or your team. I promise. Often, leaders think that they need to carry the extra burdens of work stress and that this is taking pressure off their teams, but in reality - it's setting the expectation. When you work long hours and neglect your self-care, the unspoken message you send your team is that you expect them to do the same. Remember, your actions speak louder than words here. No amount of workplace wellness programs or benefits are going to help if the behaviors you are modeling aren't in alignment with a life of balance and wellness. If your team is burning out, you've got to take a hard look at yourself and your behaviors first and foremost.
As a leader, you have to model the behaviors and habits you want to see in your team. This is especially true when it comes to resilience and balance. When you demonstrate the importance of taking breaks, managing stress, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance, your team is more likely to follow suit. When your team sees you taking care of yourself, it gives them permission to care for themselves. Whether taking a vacation, delegating tasks, revising unrealistic timelines, sticking to a firm work/home schedule, or simply stepping away from work to recharge consistently, showing that you prioritize resilience and balance sends a powerful message. By prioritizing your well-being and leading by example, you can set a positive tone for your team and foster a culture of resilience and balance.
Two: Take a Holistic Approach - Focus on mind, body, and spirit when it comes to well-being
When it comes to living a fulfilling life, it's important to remember that our well-being is more than just physical health. Taking a holistic approach means looking after the mind, body, and spirit, which are all vital to our overall well-being. This means paying attention to our mental health, incorporating regular exercise and nutritious food into our daily routines, and taking time to connect with something bigger than ourselves, whether through religious practice or a deeper appreciation for nature. By caring for all aspects of our well-being, we can cultivate a more balanced and fulfilling life.
All of this applies in the workplace as much as it does to time at home.
What does a holistic approach to well-being look like at work?
It requires an acknowledgment of the full spectrum of human needs and deliberately incorporating a variety of wellness options into the workday to meet these. This could include encouraging regular exercise breaks, creating spaces for socialization that facilitate genuine connection, strong company values and value-aligned decisions, implementing comprehensive mental health support resources, a mission that connects people to something bigger, and creating a positive work culture that values work-life balance. Additionally, creating supportive environments where employees feel comfortable addressing issues related to their well-being and stress levels can also further cultivate these principles. Ultimately, prioritizing the well-being of employees leads to a happier and healthier workforce that fosters greater productivity and satisfaction.
Three: Cultivate a Flexible Work Environment - Provide employees with flexible working hours and generous vacation policies
Creating a flexible work environment is becoming increasingly important in today's job market. As companies and industries continue to evolve and adapt, it is essential to provide employees with working hours and vacation policies that accommodate the needs of both the employer and the employee. By cultivating a flexible work environment, employees feel valued and are more likely to remain loyal and engaged with their work. This is part of walking the talk. Leaders, business owners, and organizations can't just discuss work-life balance and a positive culture. It has to be reflected in policies and procedures. If you talk about well-being but don't have policies that give people freedom and flexibility to care for themselves in a way that works for them, they will lose their trust in the company and disengage from their work over time.
Generous vacation policies and built-in flexibility around work benefit the individual employee, increase productivity, and ultimately contribute to the company's success as a whole: it is a win-win-win situation. Flexible work environments also attract a wider range of talented individuals, as they can find a work-life balance that suits their needs. By prioritizing flexibility, companies can ensure their workforce is motivated, productive, and happy. So, walk the talk. Take a look at your policies and procedures around flexibility and time off to make sure they align with the message you want to send about wellness.
Four: Encourage Meaningful Connections - Encourage team-building activities, social events, and volunteer work
It can be easy to get caught up in our own little bubbles and deprioritize making meaningful connections with others - leading to isolation, loneliness, and disconnection from the team. That's why team-building activities, social events, and volunteer work are essential in fostering colleague connectivity. Whether it's a fun company picnic or a volunteer effort at a local charity, these experiences allow us to connect with others on a deeper level, gain new perspectives and broaden our horizons. This meets our needs personally and professionally because as we feel more seen and connected to our teams, we collaborate with one another better and create natural support for people within the workplace when the challenges are intense.
The opportunities for building meaningful relationships are endless; all it takes is making an effort to create them. Volunteering as a team has two-fold benefits. It connects people with each other and connects them to something larger and meaningful. People want to feel like they are positively impacting the world, and our communities desperately need organizations to step up and contribute. So, there's really no good reason not to engage in community outreach. Let's put ourselves out there, engage in team-building activities, attend social events, and prioritize community outreach.
You never know when a small gesture can lead to a profound and lasting connection.
Five: Promote Self-Care Practices - Offer stress-reducing activities such as yoga, mindfulness training, or meditation classes.
Stress takes a toll on our mental and physical health. Taking some time out for self-care practices is crucial, but not everyone knows where to start. That's where providing stress-reducing activities for employees comes in. Yoga, mindfulness training, creative expression, or meditation classes can help people relax and unwind while teaching essential skills that can be utilized well beyond the classes to build resilience to stress. Stress-reducing activities, classes, and workshops offer a way to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and focus on well-being. By making these practices accessible and part of the regular workflow, we can reduce stress and anxiety, enhance overall health, and boost productivity.
So, take a step towards a healthier and happier workplace by creating opportunities for stress-reducing activities such as yoga, mindfulness, creative expression, or meditation classes today. You can do this by bringing these activities to the workplace or by offering discounts or breaks in the workday to participate in things already happening in the community to incentivize employees to take advantage of them! Get creative in your quest to bring wellness to your teams and make your solutions accessible.
Organizations significantly impact employees' well-being, balance, and resilience to burnout.
Leaders must take the initiative by modeling resilience and balance, taking a holistic approach to well-being, cultivating a flexible work environment, encouraging meaningful connections within the organization, and promoting self-care practices. Organizations with leaders who focus on these strategies will undoubtedly benefit from increased employee motivation and engagement. In this way, leaders can turn the tide of burnout within their company and create an environment infused with well-being, balance, and resilience.
Don't wait. Make personal and professional wellness a priority today.
If you or one of your team members are burned out (or on the verge of burnout), schedule a free discovery call with me today. You will leave the call with clarity about what is needed to make the transformation from Burnout to Balance.
Kayla M. Sweet is the owner, operator, and primary service provider at Internally Guided Leadership Consulting LLC.
Kayla has her BA in Psychology and her MA in Consciousness and Transformative Studies. She specializes in Transformational Leadership and Consciousness and Healing.
Kayla has over a decade of experience in leadership and management and has most recently served in human resources and mental health settings. She currently offers leadership coaching, consulting, and training in alignment with her mission to make the world a more loving place by empowering heart-centered leaders to live with balance and purpose.
Elaine Houston. "The Importance of Positive Relationships in the Workplace" Positive Psychology, accessed 4/30/2023
Jessica Howington. "How Flexible Work Benefits Companies and Employees" FlexJobs, accessed 4/30/2023
Marcello Russo and Gabriele Morandin. "Better Work-Life Balance Starts with Managers" Harvard Business Review, accessed 4/30/2023
Tracy Brower. "Burnout Is A Worldwide Problem: 5 Ways Work Must Change" Forbes, accessed 4/30/2023
SmartHR. "Holistic Approach to Employee Well-Being in 2023" SmartHR Inc, accessed 4/30/2023
Valeria Symonds. "7 Big Benefits of Mindfulness Training in the Workplace" Symonds Research, accessed 4/30/2023
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The Internally Guided Leadership Blog is the property of Internally Guided Leadership Consulting LLC. It is not to be reproduced, sold, or distributed without permission and appropriate credit given to Internally Guided Leadership LLC and content creator Kayla M. Sweet. This blog promotes Internally Guided Leadership LLC's services, including but not limited to coaching programs, 1:1 coaching, and leadership consulting.